At Coolair we believe the secret to a good client relationship is simple – TRUST

You trust us to get your project finished to a high standard and on time. We then trust you to pay!

Any customer requesting a credit account will be asked to complete one of our standard Credit Account forms and provide two trade references. With this information we’ll perform a check with Risk Disk, our preferred credit reference agency, who will recommend the amount of credit to offer based on latest accounts and payment history. If we need any further details or clarification we’ll give you a call before making our decision.

If we are able to offer a credit account, we will always confirm the terms i.e.

  • The amount of credit available
  • The payment terms (number of days in which we expect funds to be received)

We will always do this in writing and ask customers to confirm their agreement before any orders are accepted.

Our 35 years in this business tell us that customers appreciate this open, friendly approach as it avoids any misunderstandings once a project has started. Similarly, at Coolair we appreciate openness if problems arise and payments are delayed. In these situations – CALL US – we will always try to work with you to find a solution.

Our Credit Control department is managed by Jane Atkinson.

Jane will be happy to help with any account enquiries so please call on 0161 342 6921JaneAtkinson2352